The Blog for Girl Moms
We’re here to help you be her best guide through puberty & adolescence.

Her Changing Body

Her Mind + Moods

Sex + Relationships


How to Like Your Body
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Start Here: A Body Image Journey for Girl Moms
Hey Girl Moms, Girlology is deeply committed to changing the body...
Why Period Tracking Apps are NOT Great for Girls (and a better alternative)
'From first periods through the fertility gamut and into the sputtering...
Tip 11: Body Scan
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. How...
Tip 10: I Need a Shero
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. How did your...
Tip 9: Beauty Hunting
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. Were you able...
Girlology’s 2024 Gift Giving Guide
‘Tis the season for shopping guides, and Girlology is back at it with our...
Tip 8: Three is a Magic Number
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. Last week we...
Tip 7: Doggone It, People Like Me
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. As a quick...
Tip 6: Quiet Your Inner B*tch
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. Last week, we...
Teach Her (and Grandma) How Consent Works
No matter what age or gender your child is… the holidays are a great time...
Tip 5: Picture This
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. To reflect on...
Tip 4: Pieces of You
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. How were your...
FOHMO: Fear of HER Missing Out
Don’t you hate it when she misses out on something fun or important? We...
Tip 3: Being IN Your Body
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. Glad you're...
Tip 2: Your Favorite Space
If you're new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE. How did you...
Prioritize Wellness in Stressful Times — Like Now!
In the coming weeks, more than ever, we need to pay attention to our...
Tip 1: Taking Inventory
Welcome to the journey. As a first step, it’s important to consider your...
Can We Prevent Depression in Girls?
I prefer the term “vigilant” over “paranoid,” but I worry about...
She’s Tired. Is Caffeine Helping Her?
I’m on my second “cup” of coffee as I write this. And since I like a big...
Have You Seen Inside Out 2?
by Cara Reeves, PhD, Girlology's Director of Mental Wellness I admit it;...
What is She Learning about Friendships?
Recently, I invited some girlfriends from college and my young adult...
She’s Not Too Young to Learn about Sex
If you haven’t told your child about sex by 4th grade, I hope you'll read...
Does She Get Private Time with Her Doctor?
As parents, we work hard to find the right pediatrician for our babies –...
Don’t Beat Around the Bush: Talk with Her about Pubic Hair Grooming
Warm weather is here — it’s time yet again for adventures in hair...
Bothered by Her Moods & Attitudes?
When my youngest daughter was 14, there were times she was on the brink...
Should You Point Out Her Acne?
When it comes to adolescent acne, there’s a progression that’s pretty...
She Deserves Better Sex Ed
I meet a lot of parents through Girlology and in my own community who...