She Deserves Better Sex Ed

by Mar 26, 2024Her Changing Body, Sex + Relationships

 I meet a lot of parents through Girlology and in my own community who still assume their child’s school will teach them something about puberty and reproductive health. That’s a pretty normal expectation. In fact, according to Girlology’s recent research, over 50% of moms agreed that their friends primarily rely on schools for this type of education. 

Do YOU think that’s happening?

Honestly, in the U.S. sex education in schools is struggling big time. Teachers certainly want to do right by their students, but when it comes to sex education, there are too many hurdles and inconsistencies, including these:

Only 25 states in the U.S. even require sex + HIV education.* 

And only 18 of those require that it’s medically accurate.* 

Say what? 

Isn’t accuracy a thing in schools? 

And what about teacher certification? Nope. 

Although some school districts have health educators that are qualified and comfortable teaching sex ed, more often than not, this essential knowledge is delivered by reluctant and unsupported teachers who are basically handed the job whether they want it or not.

Here’s another thing: if they do teach about puberty, it’s commonly in 5th grade when more than half of girls are already developing and losing confidence.

If they teach reproduction, it’s typically in 7th grade, when every kid in the class has already heard (and many have seen) ALL THE THINGS that kids share about sex…mostly attached to dirty, shameful or naughty messages.

That’s not the way I wanted my daughters to learn about their amazing bodies, the miracle of reproduction, and even their early understanding of intimacy. 

You, too? 

Then when is the right time to start?
Well, as early as you can, but definitely now. 😬 It’s never too late.

As a parent, and as a physician, one of my big goals is to do better by young people by giving them accurate information and honest answers to their questions about their bodies, sex, and sexuality BEFORE they see it online or hear it from peers, siblings, crushes, or Tik Tok’s self-proclaimed “sexperts.”

One of my other big goals is to help parents tackle this task with more confidence. Sometimes that means breaking the ice and getting the talking started for them. 

I say “talking” because it’s not “A TALK,” it’s an ongoing conversation that is a lot easier to continue than it is to start. Age-appropriate education means introducing topics in simple ways, then layering details and complexities year after year as they mature. 

So if you’re wondering WHEN to start, check out this tip: When Should I Talk to My Kids About Sex?

And if you want help starting “the talking,” we’ve got your back with our on-demand class: The Science of Reproduction.

  • We’ll say all the words, 
  • provide the details, 
  • dispel the myths,
  • and leave you to share your own family values that only you know best. 

Give her a little time to process what she’s learned. Then, when she has questions, the class also includes a downloadable Q&A that can help you through the most common questions we get from kids. 

It’s a great way to start, and we’ll be here to help you keep it going through ALL the talking!

If you want to see all the content we offer on puberty and sex ed (we organize it in grade-level playlists for age-appropriate, year-after-year layering), download our free app, and take a look at our titles.

Once you become a member, you’ll have an all-access pass to the support you’ll need to help your child grow up confident and informed!

Get Girlology on google play or in the app store.

* Guttmacher Institute

Ready to become a Girlology member? Learn More HERE. 

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