‘Tis the season for shopping guides, and Girlology is back at it with our...
Her Changing Body Posts

Her Changing Body

Her Mind + Moods

Sex + Relationships


How to Like Your Body
Don’t Beat Around the Bush: Talk with Her about Pubic Hair Grooming
Warm weather is here — it’s time yet again for adventures in hair...
She Deserves Better Sex Ed
I meet a lot of parents through Girlology and in my own community who...
Please Give Her Better Compliments
The last time you posted a smiling photo of your daughter (or yourself)...
The Best Ways to Detox
In the past week, I’ve heard the term “detox” from three highly...
Cyst on Her Ovary? Don’t Ovary-Act
A neighbor's 13 year old daughter recently took a trip to our local...
She Worries about Breast Cancer
October means it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I want you to know...
The Touchy Topic of Self-Touch
We all have a basic human need for physical affection - to be touched in...
No Brothers?
My two older daughters were close in age 👭, and they shared a friend,...
One Big Tip for Dads
As a mom of three girls, I admit there have been times when one of my...
Reframing First Period Conversations
When you started your period…did someone say something about becoming a...
It’s Probably NOT a Yeast Infection
In another “episode” of girls vulvas are different from women’s vulvas -...
My Daughter’s Bathing Suit is Stressing Me Out
With warmer weather and Spring Breaking, it seems that many of you are...
When She’s Resistant to Wearing a Bra
When I was in the 4th grade, I got called “Nipsey Russell” by the boys in...
What to Watch for When She’s Learning about Puberty
😂Whether you’re watching our on-demand puberty program with her from the...
Preparing Yourself for HER Puberty
It’s normal to feel anxiety rising when you look at your daughter and...
Should You Comment on Her Acne?
As parents, we may cringe inside at the first sight of pimples on that...
How to Make Resolutions that Stick
It’s that time of year when we feel driven to reflect on the past and...
Dads Need Help with Periods
Men often admit it – periods freak them out a little. Is it worth the...
Are Period Products Harming Our Daughters?
If you’ve never considered that question – I’m so sorry for even putting...
What to Expect When Breasts Bud
I know this is a blog focused on parenting through puberty, but this...
The Mom Cliff
You know how there was so much advice out there when our kids were babies...
Do You Have Weight Bias?
I don’t want to point fingers, but if you grew up in the 80s or 90s, it’s...
Is Natural Deodorant Better for Her?
In almost every one of our Girlology Live programs, when we're talking...