She’s Not Too Young to Learn about Sex

She’s Not Too Young to Learn about Sex

If you haven’t told your child about sex by 4th grade, I hope you'll read this.  Every year, I seem to get at least one phone call from a panic-stricken mom with a child in the third or fourth grade. It usually goes something like this (in a flustered whisper)…...
Bothered by Her Moods & Attitudes?

Bothered by Her Moods & Attitudes?

When my youngest daughter was 14, there were times she was on the brink of independence and other times she was clinging to childhood. She could be wildly confusing but also so logical and insightful it blew my mind.  She was loud.    She was quiet.       She was...
Should You Point Out Her Acne?

Should You Point Out Her Acne?

When it comes to adolescent acne, there’s a progression that’s pretty typical as puberty begins: oily skin > blackheads > pimples > and some will advance to full-blown acne. Gee thanks, hormones 🙄 As parents, we may cringe inside at the first sight of acne on...