The Best Ways to Detox

The Best Ways to Detox

In the past week, I’ve heard the term “detox” from three highly intelligent people whom I fear have been bamboozled by the wellness industry. They were spending money on teas, supplements, and meal plans to jumpstart their new year with a “cleansing.” One was detoxing...
When She’s Resistant to Wearing a Bra

When She’s Resistant to Wearing a Bra

When I was in the 4th grade, I got called “Nipsey Russell” by the boys in my class (I’m dating myself, but Nipsey Russel was a TV comedian waaaayyyy back in the day). Obviously, my attempts to hide my budding breasts under baggy shirts wasn’t working, and I finally...
Should You Comment on Her Acne?

Should You Comment on Her Acne?

 As parents, we may cringe inside at the first sight of pimples on that sweet little face and want to jump to her rescue, but parenting through puberty is such a balancing act. Do you say anything or not?  Do you just leave some acne wash by her sink and hope she...