by Dr. Melisa | Jan 23, 2025 | Her Moods & Mind
‘From first periods through the fertility gamut and into the sputtering flow of menopause, period tracking is important for many health and personal reasons. Today, it’s as easy as opening an app and selecting the number of blood drops on the right day to...
by Dr. Melisa | Nov 25, 2024 | Her Moods & Mind
No matter what age or gender your child is… the holidays are a great time to help her (and your family / friends) understand and model giving and receiving CONSENT. When most parents hear us mention CONSENT, they assume we’re talking about teens and sexual activity,...
by Dr. Melisa | Dec 27, 2022 | Her Changing Body, Her Moods & Mind
It’s that time of year when we feel driven to reflect on the past and make resolutions for the new year. We all do that differently – maybe while we walk, or journal, or sip wine, or talk with family and friends. Or maybe while we work on a vision board. To...
by Dr. Melisa | Dec 15, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind
If you were to take a few minutes before bed every night for a week to ponder and write down “Three Good Things” from your day, research says you’d experience an increase in happiness, hope, and optimism. If you were to stick with it longer, you’d grow resilience and...