by Dr. Melisa | Aug 5, 2024 | General, Her Moods & Mind
Recently, I invited some girlfriends from college and my young adult years to soak in a lake and the comfort, laughter, and nostalgia of deep-rooted friendships. These are friends I don’t see enough, but we know each others' histories so well, we always pick up where...
by Dr. Melisa | Jul 8, 2024 | Sex + Relationships
If you haven’t told your child about sex by 4th grade, I hope you'll read this. Every year, I seem to get at least one phone call from a panic-stricken mom with a child in the third or fourth grade. It usually goes something like this (in a flustered whisper)…...
by Dr. Melisa | Mar 23, 2023 | Her Changing Body, Her Moods & Mind
😂Whether you’re watching our on-demand puberty program with her from the comfort of your couch or you’re attending an in-person Girlology program offered by your local Girlologist, I want to share some insider information. There will be plenty of facts dropped and...
by Dr. Melisa | Mar 6, 2023 | Her Changing Body
It’s normal to feel anxiety rising when you look at your daughter and realize she’s moving quickly through childhood toward puberty. Maybe one of her friends is developing, or maybe she tosses out some attitude that feels unfamiliar and prickly. Or maybe, she just put...
by Dr. Melisa | Oct 25, 2022 | Her Changing Body, Periods
Men often admit it – periods freak them out a little. Is it worth the effort to help them overcome their menstrual misunderstandings? What if they were actually supportive – even low key supportive. We don’t need men cheering us on when we start, or making a big deal...