by Dr. Melisa | Oct 28, 2024 | Her Moods & Mind
In the coming weeks, more than ever, we need to pay attention to our health – mental and physical. I know you hear that all the time, but I also know that personally, sometimes I have to make a conscious effort to lift my head and DO.THE.THINGS that I know are...
by Dr. Melisa | Jan 11, 2024 | Her Changing Body, Her Moods & Mind
In the past week, I’ve heard the term “detox” from three highly intelligent people whom I fear have been bamboozled by the wellness industry. They were spending money on teas, supplements, and meal plans to jumpstart their new year with a “cleansing.” One was detoxing...
by Dr. Melisa | Sep 15, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind, Sex + Relationships
As they leave elementary school and head into the hormone filled hallways of middle school where kids roam in herds instead of single file lines, and shiny cell phones replace plastic collectibles in the bus line, you can’t help but worry about whether you’ve prepared...
by Dr. Melisa | Aug 9, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind
I’m definitely a list maker, and with the back-to-school shuffle, I have more lists than usual. Besides the normal ones…school supplies, appointments, etc., I also have one big fat list of TALKS I want to have with my daughter before the new school year begins....