Growing Resilience in Times of Stress

Growing Resilience in Times of Stress

Recently, I found something helpful – really helpful. I landed on some work by Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., a health psychologist who is re-engineering the way we should think about stress. She does a beautiful job translating neuroscience research into practical...
If She’s Hesitant to Ask for Help

If She’s Hesitant to Ask for Help

The self consciousness that arrives during puberty for almost every girl isn’t just related to her changing body. Her changing brain heightens her awareness of how others perceive her. Are they judging her? Most likely, she thinks they are, even when they’re not. A...
Should You Raise or Lower Expectations?

Should You Raise or Lower Expectations?

Have you ever considered lowering expectations to avoid disappointment?  Guilty. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’ve not only thought it, I’m pretty sure I’ve said it out loud – to myself and to my children. 🤦🏻‍♀️   But what if I told you that when you expect the best outcome, it is...