by Dr. Melisa | Apr 24, 2024 | Her Moods & Mind
When my youngest daughter was 14, there were times she was on the brink of independence and other times she was clinging to childhood. She could be wildly confusing but also so logical and insightful it blew my mind. She was loud. She was quiet. She was...
by Dr. Melisa | Jun 27, 2023 | Her Moods & Mind, Periods
😢 she’s tearful because she senses something deeply meaningful to her. 😤 she’s angry because someone was wronged. 😫 she’s frustrated because she envisions a better solution. What’s one of the first remarks you hear when a girl or woman becomes tearful, or angry, or...
by Dr. Melisa | Oct 18, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind
Last week, the US Preventive Services Health Task Force released a new recommendation for screening ALL children ages 8-18 for anxiety. Honestly, I wish the publicity folks had done a better job emphasizing that the screen is for Anxiety DISORDER because using the...
by Dr. Melisa | Aug 9, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind
I’m definitely a list maker, and with the back-to-school shuffle, I have more lists than usual. Besides the normal ones…school supplies, appointments, etc., I also have one big fat list of TALKS I want to have with my daughter before the new school year begins....