She’s Tired. Is Caffeine Helping Her?

She’s Tired. Is Caffeine Helping Her?

I’m on my second “cup” of coffee as I write this. And since I like  a big mug, I’m approaching about 300 mg of caffeine this morning. ☕️☕️ In a little while, wide-eyed and ready for my day, I’ll drive past our local high school where I’ll see lots of students walking...
What is She Learning about Friendships?

What is She Learning about Friendships?

Recently, I invited some girlfriends from college and my young adult years to soak in a lake and the comfort, laughter, and nostalgia of deep-rooted friendships. These are friends I don’t see enough, but we know each others' histories so well, we always pick up where...
Should You Point Out Her Acne?

Should You Point Out Her Acne?

When it comes to adolescent acne, there’s a progression that’s pretty typical as puberty begins: oily skin > blackheads > pimples > and some will advance to full-blown acne. Gee thanks, hormones 🙄 As parents, we may cringe inside at the first sight of acne on...
No Brothers?

No Brothers?

My two older daughters were close in age 👭, and they shared a friend, Liza🚶🏽‍♀️, who had two younger brothers👬 and no sisters. My girls had no brothers. Liza loved spending time at our house because we had Breyer horses, a play kitchen, and a pair of very entertaining...