by Dr. Melisa | Jan 23, 2025 | Her Moods & Mind
‘From first periods through the fertility gamut and into the sputtering flow of menopause, period tracking is important for many health and personal reasons. Today, it’s as easy as opening an app and selecting the number of blood drops on the right day to...
by Dr. Melisa | Nov 25, 2024 | Her Moods & Mind
No matter what age or gender your child is… the holidays are a great time to help her (and your family / friends) understand and model giving and receiving CONSENT. When most parents hear us mention CONSENT, they assume we’re talking about teens and sexual activity,...
by Dr. Melisa | Sep 15, 2022 | Her Moods & Mind, Sex + Relationships
As they leave elementary school and head into the hormone filled hallways of middle school where kids roam in herds instead of single file lines, and shiny cell phones replace plastic collectibles in the bus line, you can’t help but worry about whether you’ve prepared...