Tip 8: Three is a Magic Number

by Dec 9, 2024How To Like Your Body

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Last week we encouraged you to channel your inner Stuart Smalley by creating an affirmation or promise to yourself, and a physical reminder to help you remember it through your day.. 

How did it go? More importantly, did you notice any subtle or not-so-subtle shifts in your attitude toward yourself or situations?  

As we’ve said in previous tips, the voice in our head has a profound impact on our mood and affects future behaviors. If that voice is reminding us to show ourselves grace when we make a mistake, or to get out of our head and enjoy moments with our kids, our mood and actions will follow – leading us down the path of a grounded, centered, embodied life.  

So, this week, let’s try doing something similar but with a different approach – GRATITUDE.  

Talking about gratitude may feel cliche, but when you work to practice gratitude (and yes, it takes practice), it’s important to know that it’s more than just an expression of thankfulness; it’s the deeply felt acknowledgement of the goodness in your life – within you and around you.  


It’s an action, 

an emotion  

a state of being. 

Research has shown that even simple gratitude practices are strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness and well-being.  It also has a positive impact on how you approach yourself and your body.  

It’s easy to be thankful for something good in our life, but the PRACTICE of gratitude is noticing and remembering these things as we go through our days. The more often we do that, the more natural it becomes, and the more likely it becomes the framework of our life.  

So, here’s your 1 thing to do this week:

Work on your gratitude practice using this 3 x 3 x 3 framework:

for 3 times per day, 

over 3 days, 

take 3 minutes or less to think about something you are grateful for. 

We all do better with reminders, so consider setting an alarm on your phone for times that might be good for you to take a minute to reflect. If you journal or take notes on your phone – write them down.

Whatever you’re grateful for, recognize the joy it brings you and how your life would look differently without it. 

You may find this to be a practice you want to continue beyond 3 days, but just start somewhere. 


I’m feeling grateful that I’ve been able to tell my stories. I’m grateful if I’ve kept one girl from feeling different or ugly or unempowered.”



Congratulations on taking this journey for yourself and for your daughter. To help her gain the skills and habits that will protect her relationship with her body, share our class for girls with her: How to Like Your Body, included with her Girlology membership or available to purchase HERE.

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