Tip 7: Doggone It, People Like Me

by Dec 2, 2024How To Like Your Body

If you’re new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE.

As a quick reflection on last week’s tip – were you able to add some “Yes, and…” self-compassion improv to your inner critic’s comments? 

If you struggled with it, remember that your inner critic has been taking up space in your head for a long long time, and it takes practice and persistence to quiet her and let a kinder, more compassionate voice speak up. It can also be difficult for that kinder voice to even know what to say. 

Sometimes talking nicely to ourselves feels forced or even silly. Remember Stuart Smalley from SNL?

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me” 


However, affirmations really do work! They have been shown to create a mindset of self-appreciation and improved confidence – 

If affirmations work for you, try it. BUT, if that just feels too weird or too Stuart Smalley-ish, you can also start by simply setting an intention for the day or making a promise to yourself.

“I will let go of things that are beyond my control.”  

It works even better if you create a reminder to keep that promise in eyesight as you go through your day. And that brings us to…

TIP 7 – You’re ONE THING for this week.

Create an affirmation or make a realistic promise to yourself that will encourage you in this embodiment journey. 

It might be a repeat of something we’ve already addressed, or it might be something new you want to work on.

“I don’t have to be perfect; I am good enough.”

“I promise to get out of my head and FEEL with my body.”

“I promise to let my kinder inner voice speak up.”

“I promise to create time for rest.”

Once you decide on your ONE affirmation or promise for the week, then create a physical reminder that you will see…

A sticky note above your desk or on your dashboard?

A hair tie or special bracelet on your wrist?

A bow around your finger? 

Each time you notice the reminder – repeat the promise you made to yourself.

Keep it realistic and positive. We’ll check back in next week.


Congratulations on taking this journey for yourself and for your daughter. To help her gain the skills and habits that will protect her relationship with her body, share our class for girls with her: How to Like Your Body, included with her Girlology membership or available to purchase HERE.

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