Tip 2: Your Favorite Space

by Oct 29, 2024How To Like Your Body

If you’re new to this journey, we recommend you start HERE.

How did you do with Tip 1?

Were you surprised by how frequently you had negative thoughts? If you’re like a lot of women we talk with, you lost count, or you stopped counting. For too many women and girls, dislike becomes our default. Appreciating yourself is a practice – that’s why we have this journey. 


This week we want to present an exercise to help you think about your body in a different way. 

It will help to grab a notebook or open a document for taking notes as you start this journey. When we write things down, we process and internalize them better.

Now, start to think about a favorite house or room where you’ve lived or spent a lot of time – maybe your current home, or maybe one from your childhood – even a relative or friend’s house where you felt happy. 

When you have a few quiet minutes, take yourself to that house or room in your memory, then answer some of the following questions:

  • What was it about that space that you liked the most?
  • How did it feel to be in that space?
  • What did you do in that space?
  • What are some favorite memories you had there?

Focus on the feelings that your favorite space created for you, and for the rest of the week, just enjoy those memories. 

And check back next week.



Congratulations on taking this journey for yourself and for your daughter. To help her gain the skills and habits that will protect her relationship with her body, share our class for girls with her: How to Like Your Body, included with your Girlology membership or available to purchase HERE.

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