Welcome to the journey.
As a first step, it’s important to consider your starting point. It may not take a lot of reflection to acknowledge your body struggles, but have you ever noticed how often you make critical comments or complaints – either inside your head or out loud? When you pass a mirror, what thoughts do you have? Does your expression change?
Your first step in this journey is to be aware – take inventory.
Notice the judgmental or critical comments (internal or verbalized) that you make about your body.
Notice how often it happens.
When we work with tweens and teens, we don’t give “homework,” we give “bodywork,” so YOUR body work this week is to Choose ONE DAY to actually count how many negative thoughts or comments you make about any part of your body or your appearance. Keep a tally somewhere – on your phone, a piece of paper, the family whiteboard (nobody else needs to know what you’re tallying) – just try to count them.
We’ll be back next week with more.
Congratulations on taking this journey for yourself and for your daughter. To help her gain the skills and habits that will protect her relationship with her body, share our class for girls with her: How to Like Your Body, included with your Girlology membership or available to purchase HERE.
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